Open Scanner privacy policy

We minimize data collection from our apps and website, and we make every reasonable effort to keep private the data that we do collect. On this page, we outline what information we do collect, why we collect it, and who processes the information. By using our website or Open Scanner, you accept this privacy policy.

Open Scanner does not contain any third-party advertising SDKs.

Apple collects telemetry from Open Scanner, and provides it to us in an aggregated, anonymized fashion. For example, we can see how many users from a given country downloaded Open Scanner, how many users installed Open Scanner from a given marketing campaign, etc.

Apple does not provide any information about individual users to us.

Email address collection

We maintain mailing lists for distributing news about our apps. We will never add your email address to these lists without your clear consent. Once you consent (by entering your email address in a clearly-marked form, and then opting in to a confirmation email), you may withdraw your consent at any time. You can do so by clicking the 'Unsubscribe', or by contacting us directly for manual removal.

Some parts of our website allow you to submit an inquiry to us that requires your contact information. We will only use your contact information for the purposes of replying to you.

Similarly, when you contact us by email (for technical support, etc.), we will only use your contact information for the purposes of replying to you.

Contact information

Your privacy and trust is important to us. If you have any concerns or questions about this policy, please email us at